The kitchen tends to be a place where clutter gravitates. It is important to make an effort to keep this space clear but it can be hard without the right frame of mind and the right design. Here, we will look at how to minimise the clutter, maximise the space and have a happier, easier-to-use kitchen.
No more hoarding
Before you change anything physically – or even design a totally new kitchen – you need to change your mentality! It can be easy to let things pile up and think everything you own is a necessity. Don’t put too much stuff in too little space. Instead, go through your kitchen and remove any item you no longer use.
Another thing to consider while going through your kitchen items is whether it really belongs there! Many items can go in different rooms or never should have made it to the kitchen in the first place. Don’t add to the clutter with things that don’t belong, reorganise and move it to a different location.
Think up
If you are designing a new kitchen or renovating an existing one, something important to consider is any unused space. One area that often goes untouched are the walls. Consider adding shelving and cupboards that reach the ceilings and buy a stool to access the extra space. Corner cupboards are also a good way to get the most out of your space and add more storage.
Pantry in a drawer
Big pantries can leave you with more space than you know what to do with. Instead, switch your lower cabinets to drawers and use them as a smaller pantry instead. Easier to use and easier to organise, this clever small-space solution helps to eliminate bulky cabinetry for a cleaner kitchen space.
Hide appliances
Small appliances can take up a lot of bench space but where else can you put these items? Benchtop built-ins can save space and help your kitchen look neater. Think hidden compartments with rolling platforms that can be covered by small doors or roller units.
For more tips and advice on how to remove the clutter in your kitchen – or prevent it from ever happening in the first place – talk to the experts at Darren James Interiors today.
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